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Great Book: Unjunk your Junk Food

I was given the chance to review a brand new book called Unjunk your Junk Food by the founders of the website 

I very much enjoyed this book! This is a book for anyone who is interested in eating healthier foods without added fats, sweeteners and preservatives. This book breaks down many common additives in foods we buy at the grocery store. The worst ingredients have been classified as "The Scary Seven" in this book. As I looked in my cupboard, I was suprised to see artifical colors and flavors in my granola bars. I've always thought of energy bars as healthy, but was suprised to see so many of the "scary seven" on the ingredients list. I am going to start taking this book with me to the grocery store so that I can use it as a quick reference guide.

In the book, the author Andrea Donsky, lists common snack foods that most Americans love and also gives you an alternative that is actually healtheir due to using less artifical ingredients. Many times the 2 snacks have the same calories and fat, but the difference is in what is added to the snack foods that Andrea says to avoid. Those snack foods have all types of preservatives that have been linked to various diseases. My biggest take away from the book is that I can now identify "bad" ingredients that I would not have been able to recognize. I feel more empowered when shopping. I have been looking much more closely at ingredient lists when shopping, and choosing the options with fewer ingredient lists and fewer added preservatives.

Please check this book out here:

I have learned a lot from this website and encourage you to look into what ingredients are linked to diseases and please steer clear of them! You can visit the website here:

I was given this book free to review and have given my honest opinion of the book above.


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